We hope our website begins to answer a key question on the minds of many prospective families: What makes Allen-Stevenson so distinctive?  

Our teachers excel at connecting with and engaging boys, creating a uniquely integrated and balanced program. This is evident in the outstanding success our graduates achieve in high school and beyond. Alumni, parents, students, and teachers consistently highlight how our school nurtures the hearts, habits, and minds of everyone in our community. We accomplish this by staying true to our commitments to lifelong learning, community, partnership, diversity, inclusion, and service.

Perhaps Allen-Stevenson is so distinctive because everything we do is aimed at fostering an environment where boys feel secure enough to take intellectual risks, to pursue athletic passions, and to express themselves in creative ways that meaningfully extend their learning.


Our campus is designed with boys in mind.

Our schoolhouse includes modern spaces for the visual and performing arts, new science and engineering labs, and even a greenhouse. We know that boys need high-quality spaces for athletics, physical education, and wellness, so our new rooftop field and gymnasium allow boys to develop their physical side. We are also proud of our new multi-purpose performing arts studio, which hosts classes, rehearsals, and music, dance, and drama recitals. And, for some of our boys, our dining facility is a favorite place, a communal spot where taste meets nutrition.

We are a school for the whole family. We place emphasis on educating parents to be our partners in raising boys for the next phase of their educational journey. This partnership ensures that all of our students, those for whom learning comes easily and those who have to work a little harder at it, all acquire the skills and confidence to identify their intellectual passion and follow wherever it leads. 

In the end, we are gratified by the scholastic lives students build at Allen-Stevenson, often leading right back here, where our alumni reconnect with friends and mentors and frequently choose to educate their own sons.

Welcome to the Allen-Stevenson community.


Signature of Duncan Lyon, Head of A-S
Duncan Lyon
Head of School
