The Physical Education program at Allen-Stevenson develops the health and well-being of the whole child and serves as the skills foundation for our Athletics program. Our accomplished physical education staff, through the use of creative movement, modified games, and a sports education theme, provide our boys with the experiences and skills to succeed not only in athletics but in life. We strive to develop boys who are passionate about staying healthy and physically active.
At Allen-Stevenson, we believe in making the “big time where you are”… regardless of the grade level of the sport, striving to provide the finest coaching, scheduling, and facilities for its program. I feel confident in saying that we work tirelessly to provide that experience for our athletes and that the positive results our players achieve is revealed as they progress from high school to college.
Our program embraces the differences in each child and thus strives to expose them to a variety of athletic activities.
~ Rich Alifano, Director, Athletics/Physical Education
Physical Education
This program, designed to develop the whole child, strengthens not only motor and cognitive skills, but also emphasizes the importance of understanding social skills, such as respect, responsibility, collaboration, communication, listening, teamwork, sportsmanship.
Social skills are an essential component of what we teach because of their vital role in any individual or team’s success. Our educators begin with activities and games that start with an individual or partner approach and progress to larger group or whole class participation.
As our boys develop and progress, each grade level prepares them with the motor, cognitive, and social skills needed to meet the challenges and competition within our Athletics program.
Our Athletics program, rich in tradition and success (42 League Championships), provides an opportunity for every boy to participate. We offer a junior varsity program with no cuts and a varsity program for the more advanced and competitive student-athlete. Eight interscholastic sports – cross country, soccer, flag football, basketball, wrestling, track, lacrosse, and baseball – provide ample choices for the A-S athlete.
We believe athletics play an integral part in the life of a boy at A-S. Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and the ability to win and lose gracefully are fundamental components of the process that helps our teams be successful. Furthermore, an A-S athletics experience plays an important role in assisting the individual boy nurture a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition also fosters school spirit and helps students, both as spectators and participants, develop pride in their school.

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