Allen-Stevenson students are highly sought after by the best ongoing high schools and boarding schools in the New York Metropolitan area and nationwide. Our expert faculty and leadership ensure that each student is supported and nurtured throughout their time at A-S to access their full potential and passion for knowledge. Our students take a very active role in selecting their next school - one of the many advantages of a K-8 school.

Recognized for their academic achievements, contributions in athletics, and passion for the arts, as graduates of our K-8 program, Allen-Stevenson students are endowed with confidence, compassion, and a growth mindset — ready to pursue their enthusiasm for learning and excited to join the high school community of their choosing.  


Students accepted to at least one of their top three choices


Students admitted to schools in their top five choices

Our curated high-school placement experience focuses on five schools that best fit each student. This process yields outstanding results, and this year (2024), 97% of students were accepted to at least one of their top three choices, and 100% of students were admitted to schools in their top five choices.

High Schools

Below is a list of high schools, Private Day, Boarding, and Public, where Allen-Stevenson graduates either currently or regularly attend:


Below is a list of many colleges our alumni are currently attending. If you are an alumnus and haven’t updated Allen-Stevenson about where you attend college, please email [email protected].

Secondary School Process

Our process is a partnership in which our families and students understand that our role is to listen, inform, and guide them throughout it. 

 The Secondary School Process unfolds as follows:

  • Beginning in the spring of 7th Grade, the Director of Secondary School Counseling meets with families to outline the process and identify the qualities of the best school for each individual student.
  • Students articulate what they are seeking in a secondary school and, with the support of the Director and their families, curate a list of schools.
  • Test preparation, testing, and practice interviews all take place at Allen-Stevenson. 
  • There is an ongoing dialogue with Allen-Stevenson graduates and with public, private, and boarding schools to keep current on what each school offers our students and the success of an Allen-Stevenson graduate.
  • Together, a list of 5 targeted schools is curated.

For more information, please contact Ben Neulander, Director of Secondary School Counseling.