5th Grade Learner Pathway

Fifth graders stand at the threshold of adolescence, which brings great emotional, intellectual, and physical changes. At Allen-Stevenson, we recognize that these boys are still young and full of energy, positivity, and creativity.

We know they take their work seriously and are diligent. When given a project, fifth-grade boys will stick with it and devote much time to building and contriving. At this age, they like interaction with adults and seek their counsel and approval.

They like to demonstrate their skills and talents and are eager to learn new tricks to add to their bags. Able to glimpse over the horizon, fifth-grade boys are intrigued by the adult world they are entering.

At Allen-Stevenson, we know boys are inspired by the ideas their budding abstract-thinking capabilities engender and provide opportunities to share their inventions and schemes while recognizing that they are also proud of how much they know factually. Not yet hampered by the adolescent self-consciousness to come, fifth-grade boys enjoy pretending, playing games, and being “on-stage.”


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